Friday, August 22, 2008

An Exercise In Scrying

This is a two-part exercise in "scrying." Scrying is simply obtaining psychic information from gazing at or into a visual source and observing images in this visual source that help provide answers to the question in mind. This might be a crystal ball, a pool of water, smoke smudges on a card, tea leaves, or a variety of other sources.

In this on-line exercise, we're going to use clouds as our scrying source.

The first video presented here is simply a montage of pretty images and music to get your mind into a relaxed state. Just click on it, relax, and enjoy!

Then we come to the second video. This video again presents pretty, relaxing music, along with a lot of pictures, mostly of clouds. Before you start this video, fix your question firmly in mind. Then click on the video to get it started, and relax, and look to see if you notice any images, symbols, signs, or other "pictures" in the clouds that might bear on or relate to your question.

Once you've clearly formed your question in your mind, then just let it go and enjoy the music and the video. If there are relevant images, symbols, signs, or other pictures in the clouds that you see, you will become aware of them, and you will remember them.

Here's the first video. Just to get you into a relaxed state of mind. Simply click on the arrow in the middle of the picture and enjoy!

Wasn't that nice? Ummmmm!

OK, now here's the second video. Just get your question clearly in your mind, release it, and click on the arrow in the middle of the picture, and notice any images, symbols, or pictures in the clouds that might help you answer your question.

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