Monday, September 29, 2008

Seeing and Reading People's Auras

All life forms - plants, animals, and people - have auras which can be seen and which can reveal information.

Tomorrow night I'll be leading a workshop in which we will learn how to see people's auras, and also learn what the colors in the auras can disclose about the person. Amazing amounts of information can be discovered through aura readings!

Come join us, and discover the secrets for yourself!

Go to for more info

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Wonder Of You - Deepak Chopra

Contemplate yourself - you are amazing!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Albert Einstein once said: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Of course, most people don’t feel bound by Einstein’s constriction, and lead lives in which most things are not miracles but the person still desperately hopes for one to convince them that magic, divinity, spirituality, whatever, might really exist in the physical world.

We who walk the spiritual path usually quickly find out that “miracles,” as understood in the context of the material world, happen quite often, if not all the time. We see people, animals, energies, and other things that “aren’t really there.” We know things that will happen in the future, or that have happened outside of our sight or other possible inductive knowledge. We talk to the dead, and those who were never born. We sense things beyond the capabilities of our physical senses. We live in a world of “miracles,” as far as the material world is concerned.

For myself, to maximize my own potentials, I choose Einstein’s second way - to live as though everything is a miracle. I treat all things that enter my consciousness, whether it’s a communication from another person, a raindrop that falls on my head, or a cloud pattern that catches my eye, as a sign from divine spirit that merits my complete attention and may result in yet another “miracle” coming into my life.

That doesn’t mean that I necessarily act in response to every stimulus I receive. Even with my own very open construction of “time,” I have only so much attention I can give to any particular stimulus. But I do allow it to enter into my consciousness, and I open myself to the possibility that it may, indeed, be itself or a doorway to yet another "miracle."

And I find that the more open I am to “miracles” happening in my life, the more “miracles” do indeed happen in my life.

Try it. I think you’ll enjoy the result!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gary Zukav Quote

"Illusion holds power over you when you are not able to remember that you are a powerful spirit that has taken on the physical experience for the purpose of learning.

"It has power over you when you are compelled by wants and impulses and values of your personality.

"It holds power over you when you fear and hate and sorrow and fester in anger or strike out in rage.

"It has NO power over you when you LOVE, when compassion opens your heart to others, when your creativity flows unimpeded joyously into the present moment.

"In other words, the illusion has no power over a personality that is fully aligned with the soul."
Gary Zukav

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Shifting Realities

I heard a young man talking about his understanding of "reality" the other day, and he was very specific and determined in his speech. When other people expressed different understandings he decreed that they were "in denial."

In my own experience, my understanding of "reality" has changed as I accrued various life experiences.

Each time, I thought I had all the answers and "finally understood it all," and then later I changed my mind when my understandings deepened.

The same was true for the above-referenced young man, by the way. He, too, said that he had held a specific world-view, but then he had experienced some shifts in his understandings, and now he really understood it all.
"Every age, every generation has its built-in assumptions - that the world is flat, that the world is round. There are hundreds of hidden assumptions, things we take for granted that may or may not be true. In the vast majority of cases, these conceptions about reality - which belong to the prevailing paradigm or worldview - aren't accurate. So if history's any guide, much that we take for granted about the world today simply isn't true".
John Hagelin, Ph.D.
This all came to mind because of a book about psychic development that had been written in the 1980's that I recently ran across. In the book, the author had constructed this vast, intricate system of exercises and insights that the book promised would deliver amazing psychic experiences.

And it was all true, from a certain perspective. But there have been many, many books written since that time, with other and broader insights, and I understood how people could grow beyond that author's system, and gain even deeper psychic and spiritual awareness.
"There is often a big disparity between the way in which we perceive things and the way things really are."
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
So, as Dr. Hagelin notes in his quote, if history's any guide, then quite probably the insights and awarenesses that we ooh and aah over today won't be such wonders in 10 or 20 years time, and may even have been debunked and discredited.

But we can't let this impede us from our journey - in fact, it may actually be the point of the journey: to explore, learn and discover today's truths on our way to tomorrow's truths, different though they may be.

As Heraclitus noted around 2500 years ago: "Change is the only constant."

Don't be afraid of it; rather, embrace it.

Your openness to change, that what you experience as "reality" today may be very different from what you experience it as tomorrow, is the key to your being able to move to a higher plane, and deepen and broaden your understandings of the spiritual world.

Planet Earth Forever

From the makers of "The Secret," a beautiful little video entitled: "Planet Earth Forever."

Deepak Chopra Quote

"If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up."
Deepak Chopra

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Psychic Awareness Is Natural

Beginning in the book "The Secret Life of Plants" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, and then continuing in Robert Stone's book "The Secret Life of Your Cells", is documented the discoveries and experiments of world-famous polygraph (lie detector machine) expert Cleve Backster, which experiments Dr. Stone also later participated in as a subject himself.

It all began when, one day, Backster had hooked up a polygraph machine to a leaf of a large plant he was about to water, to see how long it would take for the water to reach the leaf. He then decided to go get the water. Note this carefully - he hadn't gone to get the water, he had simply decided to go get the water.

There was an immediate positive reaction from the plant. Was the plant "reading" Backster's mind? Hundreds of experiments followed, all confirming for Backster that plants did indeed react to human intentions or thoughts, and, even more, that human cells removed from a person's body still reacted to that person's emotions.

In his book "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals: An Investigation", renowned English biologist Rupert Sheldrake detailed his investigation of hundreds and hundreds of cases over a five-year period of animals displaying what appear to be "psychic" or precognitive powers.

Consider, just for a moment: if animals, plants, and even simple cells can "read minds" or demonstrate other "psychic" awareness, doesn't it seem logical that we humans - much more sophisticated and complex organisms - have these powers as well?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

A little silliness to raise your vibrations. Enjoy! Don't worry, be happy!

Giving to Others

"All that one gives to others one gives to oneself.
If this truth is understood, who will not give to others?"
Ramana Maharshi

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Are You Part of the 11%?" Marianne Williamson

You can be, you know.

When the Student is Ready . . .

This is a lesson that took me a long time to figure out. Hopefully, this post will save you the time and effort and you can learn on my dime.

There is an old Zen saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

I always thought that this meant that there was something extra-special about guru-like teachers, that they would somehow magically sense when a student on the path of spiritual wisdom was ready and and then they would just appear and bestow their words of wisdom.

I was wrong. What this saying really means is that, when the student is ready, then he/she will recognize the teacher that was always there.

We hear instructional or guiding words everyday, from people we know, from the radio or TV, from the Internet, from books we read, and so forth. And most of the time our brains go "yeah, heard it before" or "that's so stupid" or "whatever!"

But then there comes a time when we hear an expression or phrase that we've heard 1,000 times before, and our brains go, "Whoa! Wait a second! Now I understand what that really means! Gee, that changes my whole level of understanding."

And we get a little paradigm shift.

The teacher has "appeared."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love."
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Meditation Video

One World One Meditation One Prayer by Emile Koelink