Saturday, August 16, 2008

Illuminations22 Services and Birthday Party Report

The non-denominational interfaith Illuminations22 Ministry holds services at 3:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of every month - including tomorrow, August 17, 2008 - at the Learning Light, located at 1212 East Lincoln Avenue (near the intersection with East Street), in Anaheim, California, telephone number (714) 533-2311. Healing services are provided from 2:20 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Join us!

The birthday party was HUGE fun. I only got a few pix before my camera battery ran out (no, even psychics don't think of everything), but General Manager Kerri also had a camera and so I may be able to post more pix later.


* Sonja (our events director, who arranged the event) and her athletic family won many of the prizes for the games. Are we surprised? Was the fix "in"? (Just teasing!)

* Rosemary's son Noah was also an event favorite and took home a prize.

* Lilith Mageborn made a TON of food. A delicious taco bar, beans, vegetables, plus the beverage bar run by Mary. No one went home hungry - and I think Andrew took home 8 cupcakes or so himself!

* Illuminations22 pastor Suzan sent over a beautiful hand-made birthday cake and a HUGE card for me but had to miss the event to take care of her sick puppy Kiki.

OK, let's see some pix:

The Learning Light

Waiting for guests to arrive

OK, Charley's here! Time to start the party!

The smart people hit the taco bar early

It all looks good to Richard!

Meanwhile, me and Andrew are getting our butts whopped by Kerri and Camille. (Nevertheless, Andrew keeps strategizing!)

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