Sunday, September 21, 2008


Albert Einstein once said: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Of course, most people don’t feel bound by Einstein’s constriction, and lead lives in which most things are not miracles but the person still desperately hopes for one to convince them that magic, divinity, spirituality, whatever, might really exist in the physical world.

We who walk the spiritual path usually quickly find out that “miracles,” as understood in the context of the material world, happen quite often, if not all the time. We see people, animals, energies, and other things that “aren’t really there.” We know things that will happen in the future, or that have happened outside of our sight or other possible inductive knowledge. We talk to the dead, and those who were never born. We sense things beyond the capabilities of our physical senses. We live in a world of “miracles,” as far as the material world is concerned.

For myself, to maximize my own potentials, I choose Einstein’s second way - to live as though everything is a miracle. I treat all things that enter my consciousness, whether it’s a communication from another person, a raindrop that falls on my head, or a cloud pattern that catches my eye, as a sign from divine spirit that merits my complete attention and may result in yet another “miracle” coming into my life.

That doesn’t mean that I necessarily act in response to every stimulus I receive. Even with my own very open construction of “time,” I have only so much attention I can give to any particular stimulus. But I do allow it to enter into my consciousness, and I open myself to the possibility that it may, indeed, be itself or a doorway to yet another "miracle."

And I find that the more open I am to “miracles” happening in my life, the more “miracles” do indeed happen in my life.

Try it. I think you’ll enjoy the result!

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